
Uzhytchak A. Yu. Historical experience of crime prevention in foreign countries committedby minors. – Article.The article is devoted to the study of juvenile delinquency in foreign countries in different periods of timeand highlighting the nature of the social danger of juvenile delinquency. Circumstances that prompted minorsto commit crimes at different times and in different countries have been identified. In a comprehensive studyof juvenile delinquency, in addition to the negative impact of family and shortcomings in school education onillegal behavior, insufficient attention from the state and the public, the influence of the media, narcotics andalcoholism, improper organization of juvenile leisure. Learn about the measures applied to minors in foreigncountries to prevent illegal behavior, as well as the age at which criminal liability begins. These measures canbe divided into criminal law, used as punishment for a crime, and preventive. It was noted that there is a legal,social and economic cause for these crimes, and the effectiveness of past and present legislation in preventingand overcoming them was considered. A variety of sanctions were imposed on juveniles for crimes. In mostEuropean countries, attempts are being made to find ways to avoid litigation and sentencing of a minor. Inthe case of a minor offense that is not serious, alternative measures may be taken that do not refer the case tocourt. For example, “acquaintance with the law”, which takes place in a formal conversation with a teenagerand his parents. In Japan, there are also family courts and child guidance points. In the Netherlands, workingwith adolescents at risk is a mandatory component of overall social work. It is traditionally carried out in thecommunity, at the place of residence and education of the minor. This foreign experience can be applied inpractice in our country.

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