
For constructive communication, it is important not only to know and take into account the individual characteristics of students and one’s own, but also to have methods of constructing optimal strategies of pedagogical influences. To do this, future teacher of foreign languages ​​must focus on the formation of self and students' communicative qualities, the ability to adequately assess interpersonal relationships. The specificity of pedagogical activity determines the special significance of socio-professional qualities that contribute to interpersonal and role interaction of teachers and students. These include reflexivity, flexibility, empathy, communication, ability to cooperate, emotional curiosity. Pedagogical reflection is the use of all characteristics (thinking, aimed at understanding and comprehension of their own forms and prerequisites; substantive consideration of knowledge, critical analysis of its content and methods of cognition; self-knowledge, revealing the internal structure and specifics of the spiritual world), which allows teachers to see their work from the position of another person. Pedagogical reflection determines the teacher's attitude to oneself as a subject of professional activity. The ability to contrast, compare self-awareness with the assessments of other participants in the interaction helps the teacher to understand how one is perceived and evaluated by other people – students, colleagues, parents. The formation of a culture of professional and pedagogical communication involves the meaningful assimilation of the norms of the future teacher of foreign languages with students, parents, colleagues. Guided by these norms, the teacher adjusts one’s emotional perceptions, will, personal manifestations of character. The culture of communication of the future teacher of pedagogy presupposes the emergence of a dialogue in which each participants’ expression is meaningful to all. During dialogic communication, the subject moves not only from the outside to the inside, i.e. internalization, but also from the inside to the outside, thus creating equality of interlocutors. This understanding of pedagogical communication is based on a respectful attitude to the student as an equal participant in the dialogue with the teacher, the subject of communication. Constructive communication with students largely depends on how emotionally the teacher perceives what is there behind on the available facts. The main thing is to understand the state of the student, their mood and adjust oneself to the perception of emotions. It is necessary to be able to let the student know that adults see, hear, understand them. The main product of communication on the basis of such a skill is understanding that includes the ability to predict the logic of actions and behavior according to a certain position, the ability to accept messages, highlighting the main and secondary facts, arguments. The ability of an individual to empathize (the level of its formation may be different) is characterized by such parameters as the peculiarities of its directivity, breadth, stability, effectiveness of manifestations.

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