
The article describes the theoretical and methodological aspects of the project method and features of its implementation in the environmental training of applicants for technical education. It is shown that the project method is one of the effective methods of forming the ecological culture of students of technical vocational college, which allows to solve a certain environmental problem due to the independent actions of students of technical education with the mandatory display of results. It is emphasized the need to introduce project technologies in the education of technical college students to increase the motivation and quality of environmental education, the disclosure of personal capabilities of students of technical education in the development of new and use of acquired knowledge. Project activity is considered to be one of the most promising methods teaching. In essence, the work on the project is innovative: requires the application of new knowledge; forms the ability to act and make decisions independently according to or complex commands, look for and apply a new one information from various sources, using information and computer technologies, develops critical thinking, promotes self-development personality. The new Ukrainian school requires an innovative specialist from the future creative approach to self-development and professional activity. Ago project activities occupy an increasingly important place in pedagogy. Gives possibility of formation of ecological orientation, key competencies; continuous process of self-knowledge and self improvement; individual direction of education and further program vital activity of the individual; mastering the methods of activity in their own opportunities and interests; formation of a culture of thinking and behavior in including environmental. Using the project method in the educational process always involves the presence and consideration in two planes: the activity that aimed at achieving the design result, the other - the solution educational and developmental tasks in the process of activity. For Applicants are always based on design activities. Knowledge, the skills and abilities they will gain as a result of designing for them are not an end in itself, and a means of project implementation. As for the teacher, the situation is reversed: students' mastery of educational material is a priority, and design is seen as a means of learning. The method approach is defined projects provides for the appropriate training of the teacher who has imagine what knowledge will be relevant to students at each stage designing to ensure their timely transmission. So in the initiated research, features are allocated project method, namely: effectiveness, interdisciplinary, problem, independence, dichotomy, which are important to consider marked during implementation of each educational project.

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