
The article is devoted to the problem of reception of I. Kant’s and G.V.F. Hegel’s heritage in non-classical post-metaphysical philo-sophical thought. The main attention is paid to the phenomenon of transformation of the concept "border" in the philosophical teachings of the twentieth century. The article provides a comparative analysis of Kant’s and Hegel’s conceptual developments with the teachings of M. Heidegger, K. Jaspers, J.P. Sartre, J. Bataille and J. Deleuze. The authors come to the conclusion that there are motives of non-classical philosophy in the systems of Kant and Hegel. Particular attention is paid to the explication of the ontological perspective of transgression in the teachings of Kant and Hegel. The thesis is substantiated that in the philosophy of the German classics the perspective of transgression acts as the main non-classical, post-metaphysical motive of philosophizing. If metaphysics focuses primarily on transcendence, then in non-classical philosophy the leading role belongs to transgression. In the teachings of Kant, transcendence becomes problematic; in Hegel, in dialectics, in fact, there is a transition from transcendence to transgression. This conclusion allows us to reveal in the heritage of Kant and Hegel the anticipation of the motives of non-classical philosophy.

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