
The problem of spatial development of the entities of the Russian Federation remain one of the most essential issues of the regional economy, despite a thorough scientific elaboration. The spatial development of the entity of the Russian Federation should be based on scientific approaches to the conduct of regional policy and take into account the patterns of development of its central and peripheral territories. The purpose of the study is to identify and justify the strategic directions for managing the spatial development of the region (the entity of the Russian Federation). The theoretic basis of the research is composed of the "core-periphery" theory, the works of Russian scientists devoted to the study of economic space. To characterize center-periphery polarization there were used the coefficient of center-periphery variation and the methods of statistical analysis. The research materials were the official statistical collections and bulletins published by the Federal State Statistics Service, factual evidence in the monographs of Russian and foreign scientists, the results of authors’ proper research. The theoretical aspects of the study of spatial development management in the region have been considered and the participants of this process have been identified. It is substantiated that the spatial development of the region can be divided in three aspects: the location of productive forces in the regional space; system of settlement in the regional space; the relationship between the various elements of the space ("north-south", "center-periphery", etc.). The experience of management of spatial development of the region has been investigated in terms of: socialist economics of planning; transition from the economy of planning to the market economy; modern conditions (the Sverdlovsk region was taken as an example). In the conditions of growing agglomerative processes the priority prospects of the government policy in management of spatial development of the region in the direction "center-periphery" should be management of spatial development of agglomerations as a whole, creating alternative centers in the economic space of the region and stimulating economic activity in the periphery. These research results can be applied for developing a regional policy aimed at reducing the center-periphery differences and polarization of the regional economic space.

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