
The concept proposes a mechanism for implementing state requirements and public expectations. It is stated that infrastructure changes of the last twenty years do not contribute to the schooling development. The presence of a school in the village is not a guarantor of such education, which will allow the graduate to be able to ensure the recovery of the economy and social development of the village. The lifestyle mastered by a schoolchild during the years of study in a class and training organization has long been inconsistent with the socio-economic expectations of society, including the needs of rural development. Fundamental changes are required in the basic (that is, educational) process – the transition to learning systems that are different from classroom and lesson. The worldview and methodological foundations for the transformation of schooling in the countryside are revealed: the civilizational need for a transition to universal cooperation of the subjects of coexistence; value principle is that a person is the main goal and the main means of fruitful educational environment; programmatic and organized approach is a continuous comparison, refinement and adjustment of programmatic representations and actual unfolding activities; focusing on the development of training is a qualitative change of its goals, content, technologies, management, etc.; technological invariant in the construction of training is non-frontal classes, individual educational (educational) routes and programs of students, general cooperation of training participants. Models of the school level of educational organization («out-of-hours» field of education; non-frontal classes while maintaining classes; the learning process in a diverse learning team; intersecting and integrating educational, club and production processes in a different age group) and inter-agency level (based on the interaction of schools – a network form of implementing the educational program, inter-school groups in educational subjects, metadisciplinarity and/or interdisciplinarity; on the basis of a combination of general and supplementary, general and vocational education programmes; based on the interaction of schools and other organizations of the social sphere and production). In terms of personnel policy, emphasis is placed on the general practical training of teachers, the cultivation of specialists of new educational practice during its formation, the construction of centers of the future and their living at seminars for the professional development of leaders and teachers. To manage the implementation of the concept, a regional innovation mechanism is created, it is system of communications and cooperations (both initiative and specially organized) between participants. The fundamental difference from the management models implemented in the past is that the avant-garde subject is represented not by a specific school, but by a municipal subject.

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