
The article presents the results of the study of the functional state structures intestinal immune piglets growing industrial and post–action process stress–weaning. It was established that the small intestine of piglets before and after weaning operates a big yeyuno–ilealPeyer’s patche and small Peyer’s patches. The structure of yeyuno–ileal Peyer’s patche of pigs 28–day age (weaning) at the macroscopic level allocated separate nodules that are intensely stained and clearly different, especially in the caudal part that can point to a marked reactivity of lymphoid tissue that forms their basis. At the stage of resistance (30 days after weaning) in the structure of yeyuno–ileal Peyer’s patche of pigs at the macroscopic level dome–shaped nodules are tight, so no free fields are not registered. At the histological level ofyeyuno–ileal Peyer’s patche of piglets before weaning registered primary and secondary nodules with reactive centers of reproduction, which is a sign of complete morphofunctional maturity lymphoid tissue, whereas when the piglets after weaning secondary nodules turned out far less, some of them have clearly formed shell, which may indicate the inhibition of immune responses within mucosal lymphoid tissue of the gastrointestinal tract or the development of immunodeficiency state of cellular immunity as a result of the stress of weaning.


  • Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S.Z

  • В структурі єюно– ілеальної пейєрової бляшки поросят 28–добового віку на макроскопічному рівні виділяються окремі вузлики, які інтенсивно фарбуються та чітко розрізняються, особливо у каудальній частині, що може вказувати на виражену реактивність лімфоїдної тканини, яка формує їх основу

  • The structure of yeyuno–ileal Peyer’s patche of pigs 28–day age at the macroscopic level allocated separate nodules that are intensely stained and clearly different, especially in the caudal part that can point to a marked reactivity of lymphoid tissue that forms their basis

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Function of intestinal immune barrier of piglets under technological stress

Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S.Z. Gzhytskyi, Pekarska Str., 50, Lviv, 79010, Ukraine. The structure of yeyuno–ileal Peyer’s patche of pigs 28–day age (weaning) at the macroscopic level allocated separate nodules that are intensely stained and clearly different, especially in the caudal part that can point to a marked reactivity of lymphoid tissue that forms their basis. At the stage of resistance (30 days after weaning) in the structure of yeyuno–ileal Peyer’s patche of pigs at the macroscopic level dome–shaped nodules are tight, so no free fields are not registered. Механізмом, що забезпечує адаптацію організму тварин до дії стрес–факторів лежить тісний функціональний зв'язок гіпоталамо– гіпофізарно–надниркової системи (Snitynskyi et al, 2002; Chumachenko, 2007; Stoianovskyi et al, 2013). Метою наших досліджень було з’ясувати функціональний стан периферичних органів імунної системи (імунних структур кишечника) поросят промислового вирощування до та після дії технологічного стресу–відлучення

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