
The paper describes the regularity of the transition from the 25-element sankhya model to the 45-element structure of the vastu-mandalas. The author takes into account mathematical, structural and functional problems. The allocation of the first four ontological principles of Samkhya, as well as the sixth one, is similar to those of the Pythagorean Tetractys, but the fifth and the seventh to the ninth principles are expressed in each case by five-element groups, symbolizing the space of human life. The results obtained are applied to the analysis of cultural processes and geopolitical issues. The author describes the ontological foundations for identifying the "northern" and "southern" cultures and explains the inevitability of the confrontation between East and West. The analysis confirmed the characteristics of the space sectors, adopted in the ancient Indian picture of the world. Review of 40- / 45-element models includes the numerical model of Vastu-vidya in a general scientific context that has multiple temporal applications. An outstanding organization of vastumandalas allows to take into account general laws, analyze geopolitical processes, and perform functional zoning, combining the experience of antiquity and the achievements of modern times. The author considers that the analyzed models must be included into the methodological apparatus of the modern science.

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