
The article substantiates a theoretical and methodological approach to the selection of tools for the selection of methods and mechanisms to support the export of innovative products of the region based on the quality of information development of its economy. This approach to the choice of tools improves the assessment of regions, based on the quality of information resources of the economy. The evolution of the information resources of the economy along the chain is evaluated - knowledge forms competencies that interact when creating intellectual property objects that turn into intangible assets. The evolution of this kind makes it possible to assess the economy of the region in the qualitative characteristics of interconnectedness with its innovation subsystem. What correlates the regions according to four levels of quality of innovative development: the 1st level (western metropolitan regions of Russia and hydrocarbon producing centers of concentration of resources and opportunities allowing to implement innovative projects concentrating the evolution of information resources of the Russian Federation. It solves national-scale tasks and big goals of Russia's innovative development - this level of regions corresponds to the model of the global center). The innovation subsystem of regions of this level creates a large number of intellectual property objects further on (OIS). 2nd level (large industrial regions with "million-strong" cities concentrating industry and scientific and educational centers actively implementing intellectual property - using the model of the Asia-Pacific region of the world economy of the catching-up type). These regions are increasing production volumes most rapidly and in constantly increasing volumes, based on existing developments. Based on the existing production and innovation potential, the volumes of OIS are increasing, although in smaller quantities than in the regions of the 1st level, but these OIS are adapted to the production implementation and the needs of the real sector of the economy. Level 3 (transition to a catch-up model - these are the largest industrial centers with a separate element of science and innovation on a small scale).This level targets and concentrates large volumes of production of intermediates and raw materials, creating know-how to increase its production, with insignificant volumes of officially registered OIS. Level 4 global periphery - raw materials industries predominate, in the absence of the necessary concentration of resources to create an OIS and know-how, the population constantly decreasing from the region has a low level of higher education, which results in a weak development of the information base of the economy due to the import of IA from outside).Such regions are poorly integrated within Russia, the export of raw materials and semi-finished products of low conversion dominates, and other production potential decreases. The tools for choosing methods and mechanisms to support the export of innovative products of the region through the typology of regions, under the influence of key factors determining the quality of information development of the economy is disclosed in this article.

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