
Of great importance in the development of export potential is the rational placement of agricultural production, an increase in production volumes and high quality of agricultural products, raw materials and food. The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2018 "On national goals and strategic objectives for the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024" sets a strategic goal of increasing the export of agricultural products to $ 45 billion. This complex task can be considered in three directions: production-economic, social and environmental. It is noted that at present, the growth in export volumes is mainly due to the increase in supplies of grain, oilseeds, and fish abroad. There was an increase in export supplies, which was noted both in our country and in exporting countries. It was accompanied by a large increase in the prices of raw materials, which were almost twice as high as their level for agricultural products. However, trends in the development of commodity markets by 2030 they may change significantly. If world oil prices do not increase significantly during this time, then the increase in export supplies of agricultural products, raw materials and food will depend on the growth of their production volumes. Special attention is paid to the role of food in the world market, which determines the increase in its production. The growth of the world's population also leads to an increase in demand for certain food products, which are especially in demand in low-income countries. The article shows the place of some types of food in the global agri-food market. For example, Russia is the leader in sugar production among the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. The weak export infrastructure, the growth of gross sugar beet collections and sugar production volumes made it possible to meet domestic needs for beet sugar. For the effective development of exports of domestic products, raw materials and food, it is proposed not only to increase production volumes, but also to pay attention to a more rational placement of cultivated crops, the creation of specialized high-tech zones for their cultivation.

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