
The article analyzes the innovative potential of energy saving in the housing and communal services sector, as the ability to develop innovative activities for the implementation of projects to modernize communal infrastructure, in order to reduce energy consumption, which is due to the requirements of ensuring reliability and energy security. Investment projects aimed at introducing renewable energy production technologies have been analyzed. The problem of the quality of wastewater treatment at treatment facilities in Ukraine is considered. The main directions of development and ways of improving the management of energy saving are determined on the example of the modernization of treatment facilities of water supply enterprises. Further directions for the implementation of the proposed projects have been identified, which will ensure efficient processing and disposal of sludge with the involvement of energy-efficient technologies for the production of biofuel. The problem of implementation of energy-saving measures is not new for the authorities, but the implementation of relevant technologies has not acquired a mass character in Ukraine. First of all, this is due to the fact that a few years ago the cost of energy resources was much lower than the market price, which did not create sufficient motivation for frugal energy consumption or investments in energy-saving equipment, technologies or energy-saving projects. In the process of developing a strategy, it is necessary to follow an approach that will contribute to ensuring systematicity in the process of developing the innovative model itself, will create conditions for solving the issues of managing innovations in the energy saving system, and will also make it possible to form a toolkit for its development and implementation. The development and implementation of a strategy for the innovative development of energy saving in housing and communal services should include goals, the choice of means to achieve these goals, and justification of the sources of attraction of the necessary resources. Summarizing what has been said, we note that each industry has its own characteristics that determine the content of innovative and energy policy in this area. For the effective implementation of innovative energysaving technologies in the sphere of housing and communal services of Ukraine, it is necessary to develop a scientifically based strategy for the innovative development of energy saving, which would form the basis for the creation of an integral legal framework for the regulation of the main parameters of the innovative process in the sphere of housing and communal services, the introduction of innovative energy-saving technologies and determine the arsenal of support tools, taking into account scale and social significance. This is an objective necessity of modern existence, since the process should not proceed spontaneously, it should be managed.

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