
The mechanism of transformation of households’ funds into credit and investment resources through a system of financial intermediaries in the open and market economy, which has a certain margin of financial stability, develops quite efficiently and steadily. However, in the countries that are characterized by economic instability, insufficiently developed financial market, certain fluctuations and unpredictable phenomena can lead to the emergence of crisis and destructive processes of this mechanism functioning, which leads to the complicated relations between economic entities and financial institutions, decrease in their confidence, deterioration of the financial status of these institutions and possible even loss of the own funds of the clients. The purpose of the article is to substantiate theoretical provisions of the transformation of the mechanism of state regulation of households’ savings in the non-stationary economy. In the article, the essence of the mechanism of state regulation of households’ savings is considered in detail, that is carried out based on the results of the content analysis of such definitions as “mechanism of state regulation of economy”, “system of state regulation of households’ savings”. As a result, it is proposed to consider the mechanism of state regulation of households’ savings as a complex of interrelated components that together allow the impact of state authorities of the economic behavior of households to form their own, temporarily free financial resources that are not used for current consumption, but are stored for future use. Within the article, the structure of this mechanism, features of changes in the economic behavior of households in an unstable economic environment are also considered in details. It is established that state authorities play a key role in ensuring stable formation and preservation of households’ savings in the non-stationary economy. Certain areas of their operation in such conditions are considered to ensure future implementation of households’ savings and attract them to the national economy system.

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