
The article examines the intra-annual distribution of water runoff of the Ros and Ubort rivers, as well as its comparative assessment. The rivers Ros and Ubort were chosen for further research, because according to geographical conditions, river basins belong to natural and regulated water bodies. The rivers Ros and Ubort are characterized by summer-autumn and winter lows, which are disturbed by separate rises in water levels during rains or melting snow. The formation of the main part of river runoff is due to spring flooding. The initial data for studying the intra-annual distribution of runoff were the data of average annual water flow in the confluence of the rivers Ros and Ubort, namely: the river Ros – Korsun-Shevchenkivsky and the river Ubort – Perga for the entire period of hydrological observations. The initial data are the average annual water consumption of the closing sections of the Ros and Ubort rivers for the entire observation period. To confirm (or refute) the changes in the water content of the studied rivers, the homogeneity of some of their runoff characteristics was analyzed by different methods. Statistical methods for estimating the homogeneity of hydrological series are used for quantities that are random and internally independent. The homogeneity of the series of average annual water consumption over a multi-year period is estimated according to the current hydrological posts of the basins of the rivers Ros and Ubort. The analysis of previous publications on the intra-annual distribution of river water runoff for the territory of the studied river basins, the influence of climatic factors on the change of river runoff, as well as summarizes the results of these studies. The intra-annual distribution of river water runoff for years of different water content and separate phases for the basins of both studied rivers is calculated by the season composition method. The comparative characteristics of the obtained results are carried out and the common hydrological characteristics and significant differences in the studied river basins are revealed.

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