
Based on the analysis of the activities of existing machine-technological complexes (MTK) and the legislation regulating their functioning, the role and importance of the MTK for solv-ing issues of technical support of the agricultural sector of the economy, primarily small and medium-sized businesses, are determined in the article. The purpose of the study was to study the existing organizational and economic approaches to the creation and functioning of ma-chine-technological complexes (MTK) in domestic practice in solving the issue of technical support of the agricultural sector of the economy. It is noted in the work that positive experi-ence of joint machine use has already been accumulated in domestic practice, allowing rational use of limited financial resources for the reproduction of agricultural machinery and technical support, and at the same time, to ensure rational loading of equipment in conditions of its joint use. The paper examines the structure of the fleet of functioning MTCs and the types of ser-vices provided by them within the framework of OKVED. The main reasons hindering the development of joint forms of machine use and, in particular, the MTK, consisting mainly in their legally undefined status, have been identified. Reasonable approaches to the develop-ment of the MTK in solving issues of technical support of the agricultural sector of the econ-omy are proposed.

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