
The article investigates the sources of the emergence and development of European separatism, its modern realities and, accordingly, the impact on Ukraine,discussed various ways to stabilize the situation, summarized the main features of modern military conflicts, their development tendencies, other factors that influence changes in the forms and methods of armed struggle in the current conditions of external and internal threats to Ukraine, especially the threats of separatism in some regions of the country, for further full discussion and working out specific proposals to improve the regulatory framework for the use of components of the security and defense sector in crisis situations, in particular the development of the territorial defense system.The relevance of the topic is determined by the fact that the above requires significant, but most importantly, clear, transparent and effective changes to the state reform programs and development of not only the Armed Forces (AF) of Ukraine, and at the same time all components of the security and defense sector of the state (OBIS), significant changes in many documents of the current national security and defense legislation.If martial arts theory still defined defense and offensive as the main types of combat, at the present time this is not enough. In our view, there is a need to develop a theory of stabilization actions (operations) and its component of counter-terrorism (protodioscin) operations on its own territory for the destruction of the special operations forces (SОF) of the enemy (their derivatives – SRS, illegal armed groups, SSG) as a part of territorial defense and accordingly, as forms of strategic action but not only the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but the entire security and defense sector of the state,because it just inherent in random attraction of forces and means to ensure national security.

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