
Introduction. The own vision of modern thinking of higher education students through the prism of systemic and creative thinking is analyzed and formed. It was found that for the effective development of the country, future generations need to think modernly, creating innovations of the future. The leading competencies of higher education seekers, which will be in demand in 2025, are characterized. Among the main features inherent in creative people are: creative productivity, flexibility, originality, complexity. Detailed features inherent in creative people and creative techniques. Purpose. The aim of the article is to substantiate the importance and priorities of the educational environment through the prism of systematic and creative thinking of higher education seekers, which is due to the challenges of today. Results. It is proposed to introduce in the educational process disciplines that require modern development trends (systemic and creative thinking), which will create favorable conditions for the implementation of creative and creative ideas of higher education. It was found that in addition to thorough professional knowledge, skills and abilities, a modern specialist must have the basics of systems sciences; to determine the place of its subject area in the world of universal, systemic, laws of nature and society; be able to respond in a timely and flexible manner to today's challenges and, if necessary, eliminate the risks associated with them in their activities. Conclusion. It is proved that higher education institutions are not only responsible for the formation of future professional, technical and social elites, but also teach mass student contingents to form modern skills, knowledge and abilities. Given the skills possessed by Ukrainian applicants for higher education today, it should be noted that graduates of Ukrainian higher education institutions must now develop skills that will be in demand at the professional level in the future. For the effective development of the country, future generations need to think creatively and systematically, creating innovations of the future.

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