
The study of the content of the ordinary linguistic consciousness of a native speaker / culture bearer involves considering the meaning of a word as a socio-cultural phenomenon as knowledge whose content is determined by the characteristics of culture in its current state. The most interesting data can be obtained by cross-cultural comparison based on experimental material. The article examines the knowledge associated with the word-stimulus DOCTOR in the linguistic consciousness of native speakers of Chinese and Russian. The comparison is carried out on the basis of the materials of free associative experiment with 823 native Chinese speakers, students from more than 160 universities in China. Russian material for comparison is taken from the Russian Regional Associative Dictionary [Ufimceva, Cherkasova 2018]. The method of semantic gestalt by Yu. N. Karaulov is used as a tool to analyze the associative field. The obtained data have undergone statistical analysis, the content and structure of the associative gestalt stimulus word DOCTOR have been described, as well as ethnocultural features of the ideas about the profession of doctor among the Chinese and Russians have been revealed.

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