
The article is devoted to the issues of technological sovereignty of the Russian economy. The main condition for its provision is the targeted formation and development of the “knowledge economy” sector. An approach to measuring technological sovereignty in specific areas of technological development and types of economic activity is proposed. Based on the results of a regression analysis of the relationship between the costs of internal research and development and the gross added value of the “knowledge economy” sector, it has been established that there is a problem associated with the effectiveness of these costs and their subordination exclusively to the task of developing the knowledge economy. It is concluded that new approaches are needed to the formation of a knowledge economy, which should be significantly expanded primarily by increasing costs allocated to the development of new technologies, maintaining existing standard technological chains, and increasing the efficiency of these costs. The research methodology included empirical, comparative, structural and regression analysis, as well as the author’s developments in the field of quantitative measurements. The application of the author's methodology for assessing the “knowledge economy” in Russia on economic development is shown – in terms of scale and contribution to the growth rate.

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