
The current state of economic and civilizational development requires a deeper characterization of innovative development of entrepreneurship, which can be embodied in creating a profile of innovative development of the enterprise based on assessing its innovative potential through non-financial indicators expertise. The purpose of this study is to systematize the factors of innovative development and elaboration, on this basis, the profile of innovative development of enterprises, characterized by interactivity of planned activities to avoid adverse effects and take into account opportunities for innovative development. In the process of research used methods of scientific cognition: observation and abstraction, comparison, analysis and synthesis, methods of historical and logical analysis of socio-economic realities. In addition, the method of factor analysis, correlation-regression analysis, expert survey (in identifying factors of innovative development and assessing their significance), media monitoring, benchmarking are used. The main results of the study were the development of proposals for creating a profile of innovative development of enterprises, characterized by the interaction of planned activities of enterprises to avoid adverse effects and take into account the possibilities of innovative development. Empirical information obtained during the questionnaire revealed the level of innovative development of enterprises and values regarding the susceptibility of enterprises to innovation. On the basis of the survey (including online surveys) to assess the disincentives to the internal environment, macro-environment and micro-environment of enterprises that have the greatest impact on the innovative development of the enterprise, as well as factors that create favorable conditions for innovative entrepreneurship. an approach based on the use of expert survey methods and economic-mathematical modeling.

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