
The paper addresses the issue of training a competi-tive specialist with a new mindset, a new vision of the world, high mobility and readiness for life in a high-tech world. In the modern world, the key to the professional success of any specialist, including a civil engineer, is the level of communicative culture. The communicative competence of construction students is one of the most important components of professional competence. The research discusses the formation of a foreign language communicative competence in teaching future civil engineers English. Attention is focused on the use of intersub-ject communications as one of the effective ap-proaches for the formation of integrated profession-al thinking. The contents of an interdisciplinary les-son in English in combination with the subject “Technical Mechanics” for students of the construc-tion direction are shown. The use of intersubject communications in the educational process makes it possible to use a foreign language in practical work on a future specialty and realize the possibilities of professional communication.

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