
Statement of the problem. Globally aging populations, with the number of elderly people growing at a faster rate than other population groups, are increasing their share of the total population in virtually all countries. Knowledge of the needs of elderly people is necessary to determine the optimal forms of work with them and the choice of those types of social services that they need especially. In senior age, the occurring personality modification is characterized by a diverse set of qualities that are rarely found in one person. Therefore, there is a need to consider the approaches of psychological and pedagogical support and those factors that affect the lifestyle of people in advanced age and successful aging. Materials and methods include the principle of a systematic approach and methodological unity of the biological and psychosocial in the formation of human mental pathology (B.G. Ananiev; B.F. Lomov; M.M. Kabanov; Yu.L. Nuller; V.M. Vorobiev; L.I. Wasserman); the principle of determinism, the principle of the unity of consciousness and activity (S.L. Rubinstein; A.N. Leontiev); the principle of system approach (V.A. Ganzen). There were also theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept by Russian psychologists G.S. Abramova, E.F. Rybalko and M.D. Aleksandrova, as well as fundamental methodological provisions on the unity of consciousness and activity, on the development of psyche in activity (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, etc.). Research results. Theoretical and experimental research systematized the conditions and factors that predetermine successful aging and the targets of preventive work. The presented research results make it possible to increase the effectiveness of complex measures aimed at increasing the proportion of successful aging. The studies have identified the factors that determine successful aging and the targets of prevention work. Successful aging is multifaceted and includes preventing disease and disability, maintaining high physical and cognitive functions, and constant participation in social and industrial activities. Conclusion. The presented research results will supplement the data on psychological and pedagogical support of the elderly and create prerequisites for the development of effective comprehensive measures aimed at increasing the proportion of successful aging.

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