
The article analyzes the modern system of recreation and recreation of schoolchildren in the country and its compliance with the Law of Ukraine «On recreation and recreation of children». The characteristics of various types of health camps are given, and statistical data are given, which indicate a reduction in the number of inpatient state health institutions and, at the same time, an increase in preschool day camps for children. Considering the economic components, it has been determined that the preschool camp with children's day stay is the most optimal form of organizing health and leisure activities for schoolchildren during the holidays. Based on the analysis of theoretical literature and practice of the work of domestic and foreign health camps of various types, contradictions between the request of modern children regarding the organization of their rest and those forms of work that prevail are highlighted. In the practical part of the article, the experience of the preschool recreation and rehabilitation camp for children is highlighted, namely: the directions of the camp's work (cognitive-intellectual, creative, physical culture-rehabilitation, entertainment), design of its activities, structuring of the recreational space (micro-local, macro-local, meso-local) are characterized; techniques for involving children in determining the content of weekly work are given; the ways of ensuring the psychological comfort of pupils are outlined; measures aimed at uniting the team and improving children's health have been determined; the possibility of children with special educational needs staying in a preschool camp as an additional condition for their further socialization has been proven. It was concluded that it is necessary to combine many years of experience in this type of camp with new forms of work that take into account modern social and cultural realities, oriented to the requests of schoolchildren, their personal characteristics, and their psychophysical state. Key words: improvement and recreation of schoolchildren, preschool day camp, recreational activities, recreational space, planning of preschool camp activities

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