
Abstract. Introduction. Regional economic associations play an important role in the modern system of economic and political relations. One of them is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, which aims to strengthen stable and peaceful relations in Southeast Asia and support the socio-economic development of member countries. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the development of ASEAN and identify the main promising areas of cooperation between ASEAN and Ukraine. Results. The article considers the main socio-economic indicators of the ASEAN countries in 2020, identifies the most important structural changes in exports and imports of the Association and their trade balance. The importance of intragroup exports and imports in 2010-2020 is analyzed. The geographical and commodity structure of trade is studied. Structural changes in export-import operations between ASEAN countries and Ukraine are considered. It was found that Ukraine provides ASEAN countries, to the greatest extent, with basic necessities, namely grain or cereals. Based on the obtained results, the forecast of the Association's trade volumes with Ukraine is built and the main prospects are highlighted. Conclusions. It is determined that in relations with ASEAN all three components are equally important for Ukraine: political, trade and economic and humanitarian. Therefore, the issues of joint counteraction to terrorism, cooperation in the field of cyber security, prevention of accidental collisions in the air and at sea should be actively considered. The priority in the economic sphere should be the export of agricultural products in the context of food security in Southeast Asia, cooperation in the fields of mechanical engineering, military-technical sphere, investment attraction. The Strategic Plan may consider the feasibility of establishing an FTA between Ukraine and ASEAN.

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