
The article substantiates the factors influencing the development of migration processes in Europe, including: political conflicts; geopolitical changes and events in different regions of the world; financial, economic and political crises; social and ecological factors, as well as the sociocultural causes of migration, related to various aspects of culture, society, and identity. The dynamics of migration flows to different regions of the world are analyzed. The leading countries of migration flows to Europe and the reasons for changes in the number of international migrants in some European countries are identified. The volume of mass migration of Ukrainians to European countries since the beginning of the full-scale war, the demographic situation in Ukraine, which is rapidly changing both in quantitative and qualitative indicators, is studied. It is proved that the large-scale migration of the able-bodied population during the war from Ukraine to European countries will have serious consequences for the Ukrainian economy. It is substantiated that modern migration processes require deep analytical and scientific elaboration, along with development at the State level of appropriate strategic plans and tasks that would allow in the future to ensure the return of emigrants to Ukraine. In turn, the irreversibility of migration processes in modern Europe, caused by existing challenges and threats both in the world and, in particular, on the European continent, requires a substantive study of methods for regulating migration and determining long-term goals and priorities both at the supranational and interstate levels.

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