
One of the main conditions for obtaining a high soybean yield is maintaining optimal sowing and harvesting times, as well as pre-sowing seed treatment aimed at increasing the sowing qualities of the seed material. In the Amur region, the optimal sowing time is considered to be the period when the average daily air temperature reaches 10–14º degrees Celsius. In this connection, as studies have shown, mid-ripening and late-ripening soybean varieties are sown at the end of May, usually on the 20th-25th, and early-ripening varieties are sown a week later. Maintaining these sowing dates contributes to better development of soybean plants, which allows the necessary work to care for the crops to be carried out in favorable conditions. The studies carried out show that all sowing work in the region must be carried out in the shortest possible time and no later than June 5. In addition to the conditions listed above, to increase soybean yields, it is necessary to pay due attention to other indicators, such as the quality of sowing work, selection of sowing method, compliance with seeding standards, sowing density and depth of seed placement in the soil, etc. Also, one of the promising ways to improve the sowing qualities of soybean seeds is to improve the mechanization used during pre-sowing treatment. The presented article presents the results of research on improving the pre-sowing qualities of seed material through the use of thermal and electromagnetic physical fields in combined processing of soybean seeds. Keywords: SEEDS, SOYBEANS, SOWING QUALITIES, SEED MATERIAL, THERMAL AND ELECTROMAGNETIC TREATMENT, SOWING, EFFICIENCY

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