
The article substantiates profit as a strategic tool for the development of youth entrepreneurship in the field of tourism. It is established that in order to realize the socio-economic role of the subjects of the tourism industry to create an effective economic mechanism at the level of regions and the state, it is necessary to ensure the profitability of activities. Because profits should be the main source of funding for the development and current operations of tourism entities. In order to achieve the goals of the Strategy within the framework of the identified priority areas, it is necessary to ensure effective interaction of legal, organizational, economic and financial mechanisms of state regulation of the development of tourism and resorts. The legal mechanism is focused on the observance by the participants of the Strategy implementation process of the principles of constitutionality, legality and transparency. The main instruments of the legal mechanism should be normative legal acts of state authorities and local self-government bodies. The organizational mechanism is aimed at ensuring the principles of partnership and cooperation between the executive authorities and local governments, representatives of business and scientific circles, public organizations. A clear definition of tasks for the participants in the implementation of the Strategy will allow distributing the responsibility for decision-making and their implementation. The main components of the organizational mechanism are: the action plan for the implementation of the Strategy, which will allow using the established development indicators to assess the achievement of the Strategy goals by monitoring and determining the effectiveness of the implementation of measures at the state, regional and local levels; targeted and regional programs for the development of tourism and resorts; concluded agreements, including on the basis of public-private partnership. The economic mechanism ensures compliance with the principles of sustainable development of territories and maintaining a high level of competitiveness by: using tools to create favorable conditions for attracting investment in the tourism industry; providing support to domestic producers of tourist products; promoting the financial recovery of tourism enterprises; introduction of modern information and marketing technologies.

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