
Topicality. The article covers the issues of implementation of marketing tools for the development of the ecological direction of rural tourism. Tourism development can become a "catalyst" for economic growth in rural areas: tourism activity is attractive to small start-up investments, because for peasants who have very limited funds, this is a practically crucial moment; tourism is a profitable branch of economy with a high level of profitability, with a minimum payback period, which is very important for the quick income generation. Aim and tasks. The only way to solve systemic problems in the field of tourism is a strategically oriented state policy, the main task of which is to define tourism as one of the main priorities of the state, the introduction of economic and legal mechanisms for the successful conduct of tourism business, investment mechanisms for the development of tourism infrastructure, information and marketing activities with formation of tourist image of Ukraine. Research results. Results For the successful development of rural tourism and tourism in general in Ukraine, it is necessary to ensure the integrated development of territories, in particular the creation of favorable conditions for attracting investment in the development of tourism infrastructure by: monitoring investment proposals for the development of tourism infrastructure in the regions; preparation of a cathlass of investment projects in the field of tourism and resorts to represent potential domestic and foreign investors; the involvement of investment projects in the field of tourism and resorts in international fairs of investment projects. �wner village (guest) houses can not independently provide a wide range of leisure activities for their guests. Therefore, they need to cooperate with other structures that serve the guests of the village. Usually such partners are: � objects of community food (taverns, bars, roadside cafes); � owners of means of transport (traditional, retro options); � centers of folk crafts and crafts production; � artistic and ethno-folk groups; � municipal and private museums; � the administration of natural parks. Supporting the region in resource support: - cartographic and advertising-cartographic support, as a rule, is necessary at the level of the region (the only tourist area); - Information and advertising resources of the region (TV and other mass media, regional specialized sites, etc.); - training for tourism industry: effective coordination at the regional level; - Information and advisory support: effective organization at the regional level (including, with the involvement of external expertise, including international). Conclusions. In order to achieve the goals within the specified priority areas, it is necessary to ensure effective interaction of legal, organizational, economic and financial mechanisms of state regulation of tourism and resorts development. Prospects for rural tourism development in Ukraine appear to be potentially favorable given the presence of significant natural resources. �he flowering of rural recreation should take place under active cooperation with nature conservation institutions of a certain region (according to Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine", subject to compliance with the environmental protection regime established by this Law and other acts of Ukrainian legislation, provides use them for recreational and other recreational purposes). Ukraine has powerful natural and recreational opportunities, for example, five biosphere reserves, national natural parks: Carpathian, Hutsulshchyna, Vyzhnytsky, Yavorivsky.


  • Влaсники сільських будинків не можуть самостійно забезпечити широкий спектр організації дозвілля для своїх гостей

  • The article covers the issues of implementation of marketing tools for the development of the ecological direction of rural tourism

  • Tourism development can become a "catalyst" for economic growth in rural areas: tourism activity is attractive to small start-up investments, because for peasants who have very limited funds, this is a practically crucial moment; tourism is a profitable branch of economy with a high level of profitability, with a minimum payback period, which is very important for the quick income generation

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У статті висвітлюються питання впровадження маркетингових інструментів для розвитку екологічного напрямку сільського туризму. Розвиток туризму може стати «каталізатором» економічного зростання сільської місцевості: туристична діяльність приваблива невеликими стартовими інвестиціями, адже для селян, які мають дуже обмежені кошти, це практично визначальний момент; туризм – прибуткова галузь господарства з високим рівнем рентабельності, мінімальним терміном окупності витрат, що дуже важливо для швидкого отримання доходів. Єдиний шлях розв’язання системних проблем у сфері туризму - це стратегічно орієнтована державна політика, основним завданням якої є визначення туризму одним з основних пріоритетів держави, впровадження економіко-правових механізмів успішного ведення туристичного бізнесу, інвестиційних механізмів розвитку туристичної інфраструктури, інформаційно-маркетингових заходів з формування туристичного іміджу України. Влaсники сільських (гостьових) будинків не можуть самостійно забезпечити широкий спектр організації дозвілля для своїх гостей. Тому їм необхідна співпраця з іншими структурами, які обслуговують гостей села. Українa володіє потужними природно-рекреаційними можливостями, наприклад, п’ятьма біосферними заповідниками, національними природними парками: Карпатським, "Гуцульщина", Вижницьким, Яворівським

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