
The article outlines that improvement of operational management to ensure sustainable development of an enterprise is an integral part of success in modern business environment. Taking into account the aspects of sustainability allows enterprises to achieve efficiency, reduce costs, improve product quality and customer satisfaction, as well as reduce negative impact on the environment, while contributing to the social development of society. The essence of the category of operational management was investigated in the article. It has been established that compliance with the policy of sustainable development correlates with the field of functional activity of this type of management in the context of increasing globalisation, digitalisation and riskiness of economic activity. Key environmental practices that contribute to strengthening the economic and financial sustainability of organisations, primarily the use of environmentally friendly technologies, reduction of emissions and pollution, efficient use of resources and waste recycling to ensure environmental sustainability were analysed. The authors outline main directions of improvement of the operational management system with consideration of the sustainable development policy. An important step in this process is the analysis and determination of key performance indicators, which allows enterprises to focus on achieving specific goals and assess the effectiveness of their operations in the direction of sustainable development. The next stage in ensuring economic sustainability is the implementation of a sustainability-oriented quality management system, which includes defining quality standards, procedures for monitoring and improving product quality in compliance with environmental norms and standards. The implementation of a sustainability-based quality management system contributes to the production of consistent quality products, reduction of waste and improved customer satisfaction. The authors see another area of operational management improvement in optimising the supply chain and establishing cooperation with suppliers who support sustainability policies. Improving supply chain management processes ensures efficiency and sustainability in the supply chain, reduces risks and optimises logistics. Process improvement and innovation play a significant role in the implementation of sustainable development policy in the organisation's activities, as it involves continuous process improvement, introduction of the latest technologies and innovations aimed at preserving the environment, ensuring labour safety and meeting social needs. The article emphasises that operating on the basis of social responsibility with improved attitude towards staff, consumers and other stakeholder groups emphasises the organisation's understanding of its role in the social development of society and strengthens its competitive position in the market.

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