
The purpose of the article is to analyze the state of road transport and the implementation of information technology in the technical operation of vehicles. The analysis of the current state of road transport showed that the diversification of road transport enterprises, their unbundling, business development have led to the polarization of car fleets and the concentration of a significant number of cars in small in size and number of enterprises. The main systemic problems of road transport at the present stage are considered, which showed that the existing system of maintenance and repair of cars in the maintenance of cars no longer meets modern requirements for maintaining the efficiency of vehicles. It is substantiated that the availability of modern technologies allows to move to the adaptive system of maintenance and repair of cars, the key point of which is the development of information and communication system and database of models that provide remote monitoring of the necessary current information from the vehicle. The results of the experimental study of technical and economic indicators of a passenger vehicle with the help of the developed information and software complex "IdenMonDiaOperCon "HNADU-16"", which works in the conditions of intelligent transport systems, are presented. Evaluation of the results of determining the technical and economic performance and parameters of the technical condition of the vehicle in operating conditions was carried out on the average speed of its movement and fuel consumption. Estimation of operating conditions was carried out on the value of the relative coefficient of change of speed in accordance with the provisions of the theory of operation of cars.The bulk of cars in Ukraine are concentrated in small enterprises in size and number, resulting in deteriorating technical condition of vehicles. The existing system of technical condition control in such enterprises no longer meets the modern requirements for maintaining the efficiency of vehicles. This can be solved by implementing in the TEA the principles of "adaptive" management system of the technical condition of the car, the basis of which is the creation of information systems of organizational and functional control and support of technical maintenance of vehicles.The obtained results of monitoring the parameters of the technical condition of the vehicle in operation, allow to obtain the values of average speeds for the experimental site, taking into account geozones, fuel consumption and relative coefficient of change of speed, which is the main guide in determining vehicle operating conditions.

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