
Reducing the cost of maintaining a fleet of passenger cars is one of the key objectives of the operating company as part of its strategic management. The article describes the criteria by which can be evaluated the effectiveness of strategic decisions in the field of rationalization of the system of maintenance and repair of passenger cars. The process of rationalization of this system is presented in accordance with the Deming — Schuhart cycle (PDCA) with feedback. This process provides for monitoring the effectiveness of the implemented changes in the system on the basis of IT-technologies and processing "Big Data" on three conditions: efficiency of use (C-criterion), integrated reliability (availability) ( К -criterion) and functional safety of passenger cars ( λ -criterion). The C-criterion characterizes the savings from reducing the costs of maintenance and repair of cars by introducing appropriate changes to the system of maintenance and repair of passenger cars. At the same time, the savings will be expressed as a reduction in the cost of the life cycle of cars in terms of technical content when introducing changes to this system. The К -criterion characterizes the change in the working time fund of cars and, as a result, determines the amount of profit (lost profit) from the increase (decrease) in the working time of cars after introducing changes to the system of maintenance and repair of passenger cars. Within the ^-criterion, comprehensive reliability indicators are used — the availability factor and the technical availability coefficient. λ -criterion characterizes the current safety state of trains in terms of passenger facilities on the basis of functional performance of cars safety. A negative indicator was adopted as a similar indicator — the intensity of dangerous railway failures that led to a violation of the safety of train traffic. The given approach was developed in the tradition of the process control methodology according to the ISO system of standards and the IRIS standard of the railway industry. Currently, there are methodological developments and hardware/software that allow to move towards practical implementation of the described approach to effective management in the field of rationalizing the maintenance and repair of passenger cars by the operating company as part of the overall strategic management.


  • The article describes the criteria by which can be evaluated the effectiveness of strategic decisions in the field of rationalization of the system of maintenance and repair of passenger cars

  • The process of rationalization of this system is presented in accordance with the Deming — Schuhart cycle (PDCA) with feedback

  • This process provides for monitoring the effectiveness of the implemented changes in the system on the basis of IT-technologies and processing “Big Data” on three conditions: efficiency of use (C-criterion), integrated reliability (K-criterion) and functional safety of passenger cars (λ-criterion)

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