
Terminological uncertainty of the concept of the soul in psychology necessitates further comprehensive analysis of its verbalization using the latest methods aimed at penetrating the mechanisms of national language creativity. The relevance of the study is determined by the general focus of modern linguistic poetics on the semantics of the literary text in the plane of mental processes, which allows to clarify the nature of the interaction between language and thinking, between language and emotional personality. The purpose of summarized scientific research is to clarify the semantic content of the concept of the soul in the German-language postwar lyrics of the twentieth century. The article reveals the concept of Seele “soul”, outlines its synonyms, reflects the lexical means of realization in the text fabric, traces and correlates geography, gender and logical-semantic approaches to interpreting the nature of the soul, identifies and analyzes semantic subgroups that denote the phenomenon. Quantitative indicators establish a “typical”, “transitional” and “atypical” poetic interpretation. “Typical” poetic interpretation is based on the index “3” and above, “transitional” has the index “2”, “atypical” — the index “1”. Typical approaches are philosophical, psychological, cultural and integrated (combined), transitional are cosmogonic, religious, biological and scientific, atypical are the sacred approach. The ethnic, cultural and gender differences in the interpretation of the soul, as well as the encyclopedic views of poets of Germany, the selectivity Nosenko of poets of the GDR, Austria, Switzerland, outlying (neglect) of poetsof Luxembourg are proved. The obtained conclusions are essential for clarifying the specifics of the national conceptosphere of a certain culture and the types of variant language equivalents in the course of reproduction of the common ethnocultural content.

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