
In the article modern situation of academic mobility of students in the Slovak Republic under the conditions of educational internationalization is analyzed. The main conditions and tools of implementing academic mobility in Slovakia are clarified. Academic mobility for all participants of educational process under modern conditions is an important part of higher education internalization. It is defined that implementation of development strategy of international mobility is one of the priority tasks for the national policy in the Slovak Republic. Academic mobility finds systematic support at the Slovak state level. Appropriate conditions have been created for the implementation of academic mobility at the institutional, national and European levels. Along with the benefits, internationalization and mobility poce new challenges for Slovak society. This article looks at three aspects of student mobility flows: incoming mobility, outgoing mobility and mobility balance. There is a problem of imbalance between incoming and outgoing forms of mobility in Slovakia. It is empirically established that Slovakia belongs to the countries with strong flows of initial degree mobility. In the context of Slovakia's European integration, there has been an increase in the number of students participating in academic mobility programs. Factors that stimulate the initial academic mobility of Slovak students are the attractive image of foreign universities, the quality of education and educational services, better employment opportunities, various scholarship programs, lower tuition costs, social support for students and others. Factors such as proximity, language, historical ties, geographical distance, bilateral relationships and political framework conditions are key determinants in selecting a country in which to study. Despite the obvious benefits of international mobility, researchers are increasingly focusing on the problem of "brain drain" and the loss of intellectual potential. Slovakia's problem is that students do not return to their home country after completing their studies abroad. Academic mobility has become one of the channels of migration in Slovakia. In the long term, the potential of the educated and highly qualified population is weakening. This can negatively affect the development of society in economic, cultural, scientific and social aspects. Based on the analysis of the current state of mobility in Slovakia, it is concluded that the country's higher education system is characterized by a significant degree of internationalization.

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