
In the article on the basis of work V.Sychomlinsky the development of humanistic ideas, views of child, his right for freedom and dignity as a responsible personality is considered. In the article the author writes about modern psychological and pedagogical works considering questions of humanization pedagogical process in works of Pavlyshsky Virtue. Based on the context of the study, we feel it is work them phasizing the importance of the position of the out standing searcher that the education of the child'sfreedom and responsibility requires the improvement of the educational process in order to improve the culture of relations between the teacher and the team, between the teacher and the pupil. V. Sukhomlinsky believed that an important task of the teacher is education of humaneness, responsibility, freedom of pupils, which depends on the teacher'sability to disclose the internal mechanisms of children, to teach them to sympathize with, emotionally feel the other person and, most importantly, to do good. The ideas of a humanist-oriented educational process were successfully implemented by the famous teacher at the “School of Joy”, which he called the “prospect of joy”. Analyzing the problems of pupils'freedom and responsibility in this school, we come to the conclusion that used pedagogical influences on the spiritual world of children turned their upbringing in to the “School of Joy” into a unique original style and way of life in which the personality of the child is a special, in tact sphere capable of self-expression, self-development, self-improvement, “... when the for caned personal example of the elders act when all other educational means are imbuedwith moral purity and nobility”. An analysis of the views of V. Sukhomlynsky on the humanist-oriented educational process in primarys choolsasone of the conditions for the education of students'freedom and responsibility, gives grounds for determining the following main provisions of this process: respect for the child; development of the pupil as a subject of co-creation, cognition and communication; education of the moral and emotional culture of relationships; formation of the pupil'semotional and holistic experience of under standing an other person; creation of conditions for disclosure of creative abilities and individual potential of a pupils. Keywords: humanist-oriented educational process, junior schoolchildren, humane qualities, humanism consciousness.

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