
Information and communication technologies have the ability to improve the efficiency of economic systems. Collectively, such improvement can lead to a significant increase in the competitiveness of the national economy. That is why the governments of most developed countries of the world are interested in the development of these technologies, their active penetration into economic relations. For this purpose, many countries already use awide range of methods and tools of state regulation to support the processes of digitalization of the economy, creating favorable conditions for both entrepreneurial activity in this direction and ensuring the effectiveness of the use of digital technologies. The development of the digital economy is a complex process, and its activation within the country can be carried out in various ways. Today, the appropriate tools are at the disposalof state authorities. However, their spectrum is so wide that ensuring their harmonious use is quite a difficult task. That is why understanding ways to activate the processes of development and use of information and communication technologies is also an important element ofensuring the quality of state regulation in this direction.  The article analyzes the theoretical provisions of state regulation of digital development. As a result, directions of implementation of such influence were singled out, namely: behavioral and spatial. It was determined that the behavioral type of state regulation of the digital development of economic systems is the exercise of influence on the activities of economic entities in the direction of the use of digital technologies, their development and adaptation ofexisting information and communication technologies to ensure their own development. The spatial type is the influence on the activities of a separate group of economic entities objects, singled out by a certain feature in order to stimulate the process of their digital transformation.The article analyzes the peculiarities of each of the outlined types of state regulation of the digital development of economic systems.A detailed examination of the processes of digitalization of economic systems also proves the importance of forming a systematic and balanced state policy for the development of the digital economy, exerting a harmonious and non-discriminatory influence on the activities of various economic entities.

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