
The article deals with the interrelated development of the theory of property and corporate relations. The main tendencies and problems of development of the theory of property and corporate relations in the conditions of digital economy are revealed. At the present stage of devel-opment of the theory of property dominated by two scientific methodological approaches: ne-omarxism and neoinstitutionalism. The complementarity of these approaches allows us to talk about the transformation of traditional property relations in the direction of constant erosion and specification of property rights, the formation of new economic models, which are based on com-plex forms of ownership and entitlements. These changes in the digital economy complicate the in-ternal structure of corporate relations, mechanisms of its development, forms of participation 
 of subjects of corporate property in the management of corporations and the appropriation of in-come, leads to depersonalization of owners in respect of intellectual property. It has been stated that information and intellectual progress and the evolution of the economic foundations of the preservation of life of modern society require the creation of fundamentally new approaches to the problems of institutionalization of property and corporate relations. The stages of the evolution of corporate relations are illustrated. It is noted that each stage in the development of corporate relations had its own specific forms of corporate entities. The redistribution of property and possession rights that is typical for the Russian economy under the influence of local corporate and shadow government regulation and of factors not related to the economy has been considered. It has been inferred that the prospects of interaction between government and business should be associated with the formation of the economic and information field of business responsibility. The state in its relations with business is forced to move from traditional ways of regulating socio-economic processes to 
 a system of partnership relations, motivating business to implement social programs

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