
The article examines a set of issues related to "green energy" in the world, problems and opportunities from the introduction of alternative energy sources for greening the economy, developing sustainable economy and preserving human potential. Analytical works of some Ukrainian authors have been studied, in which the current state, obstacles to the realization and prospects of "green energy" in the world have been determined. The purpose of the article is to refute the allegations about the need to immediately stop the introduction of "green technologies", including the construction of solar stations. There are two opposing views on the need for green energy, which have been being discussed around the world for the past few decades. The most popular evidence from both sides on this issue is given, in particular, that the planet can be saved only through the active use of renewable energy sources, and on the other hand, that "green energy" at the current level of human development will cause even more environmental and economic problems. The arguments most often expressed by opponents of the active introduction of "green energy" are highlighted, namely: the high cost of new technologies compared to existing types of generation; the inability of "green energy" to solve the problem of warming on the planet with reference to scientific research on the amount of CO2 emissions from different types of generation as a major factor in warming; danger to the energy systems of all countries of the world due to the instability of energy production by natural factors. Counter-arguments on these issues are provided and evidence of the ability and necessity to use clean technologies is provided. The problem, on which the opinions of both parties coincide, is highlighted - the reluctance of "green" investors to spend money on storage systems, energy storage and stabilization of energy systems due to their high cost, size, insufficient energy consumption and insufficient duration of work. It is noted that the issue of developing the latest energy storage and stabilization systems and their installation at new and existing RES stations needs to be addressed immediately, but is not an obstacle to the further development of green energy.

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