
The structural characteristics of the soil, soil density and humus status indicators are key indicators of quality and fertility. The aim of this work is to study the agrophysical properties and degree of humification of alluvial gray humus soils in Primorsky region of Russia. Studies were conducted on abandoned agricultural fields (60 years after abandonment). Soil macroaggregates were separated with the sieve (dry sieve) to seven aggregate size fractions, i.e. >10, 10–5, 5–2, 2–1, 1–0.5, 0.5–0.25 and <0.25 mm. The content of agronomically valuable aggregates, the mean weighted diameter and the structure coefficient were calculated. The bulk density of the soil was determined by the gravimetric method, the humus content with Tyurin method. The studied fallow lands were characterized by favorable agrophysical properties. The bulk density of the soil in the upper horizons does not go beyond the optimal values. The content of agronomically valuable aggregates indicates an excellent aggregate state of soils. The structure coefficient is also assessed as high. The studied alluvial gray humus soils belong to the class of medium humus.

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