
Over recent years there have been registered anthrax cases among animals and people in Russia. Anthrax cattle burials remain a basic risk factor that causes epizootic deterioration. A lot of such burials do not correspond to sanitary-epidemiologic requirements especially those located in zones where long-term frozen rocks are now being developed in the northern European part of the country. Our research goal was to examine a situation with anthrax cattle burials in the chosen regions, especially bearing in mind climatic changes and changes in cryolite zones as well as to assess future prospects regarding them. It is especially vital for native people who live in tundra and breed their numerous deer herds there. To achieve the goal, several tasks were accomplished. First, we performed preliminary analysis of anthrax cattle burials distribution in the northern European part of the country and places that were unfavorable as per anthrax. Then, locations of such zones were compared with available data on contemporary development of the cryolite zone in the northern European part of the country. It was necessary to assess future changes in the cryolite zone and describe occurring problems related to anthrax cattle burials being widely spread there as well as to suggest possible ways to solve them. Over the last 50 years considerable spots in the cryolite zone have thawed through completely or partially, especially in an area close to the south border of frozen earth. It is important to know an actual situation with anthrax cattle burials given changing climatic conditions and to assess their future prospects. In order to prevent emergencies in zones where geocryological processes have been activated it is necessary to measure temperature on anthrax cattle burials territories, to assess geocryological threats, to create mathematical models for probable negative events occurrence, as well as to accomplish certain anti-epidemic, anti-epizootic, and preventive activities.

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