
The research in the field of speech genres has initiated discussions among scientists and led to the emergence of numerous analyses in recent years. Eminent Ukrainian and foreign scientists have dedicated their in-depth studies to the classification of speech genres, finding and underlining their basic characteristics. They have introduced their own definitions of the term speech genre and schemes that scientists can use with the aim of indentifying the hypergenre and the subgenres. Having analyzed the contributions of the above-mentioned researchers, we could not find the definition of the speech genre in medical subject area. The term that defines the speech genre in medical subject area as a separate genre has not been introduced yet. Rapid development of mass media, the creation of new web sites and the introduction of TV programmes which dwell upon medical problems, diseases and disorders giving both expert and public opinions on the issue have caused the appearance of the new hypergenre in medical subject area. The scientists could not have introduced the term earlier due to the fact that the genre did not exist until the end of the twentieth century. Nowadays, more and more subgenres are appearing. Consequently, we realize that the analysis of the hypergenre and subgenres in medical subject area is impossible without a proper definition. Not only does the lack of the definition exist, but also we lack the questionnaire which will enable us to study the speech genre in medical subject area taking into account its unique features. We must devote scrupulous attention to the existing speech genre questionnaires. Furthermore, we have to study hypertextuality that is typical of speech genres in medical subject area in English mass media. We have created the questionnaire on the basis of the already existing questionnaires with the aim of conducting a thorough research into speech genres in medical subject area and identifying the subgenres of this hypergenre. The most distinctive features that are typical of the genre include exact sphere of genre use, hypertextuality and indirect speech act.

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