
Trust is a necessary condition that becomes a factor in the formation of an eff ective environment necessary for the eff ective development of any subsystem. The authors proceed from the hypothesis that trust can be “nurtured” and this should be done in an educational environment. The purpose of the study is to determine the confi dence factors of the subjects of the higher education system of the Chelyabinsk region (students, faculty and university staff ); quantify the level of institutional trust in the educational environment; prove the degree of infl uence of the found factors on the level of trust. The research materials were collected by interviewing students and universities employees in the Chelyabinsk region. The number of respondents was 382 people. The materials were processed by grouping, graphic illustration, ranking of responses. Integral trust indicator is proposed. The authors conducted a correlation analysis on two samples: students and university employees. According to the same samples, two regression models were built to assess the elasticity of the studied factors. The authors found three key factors that form the level of trust. This is the level of quality of the educational environment, the level of importance of higher education, the level of information transparency. The authors identifi ed two forms of trust — a priori and conditioned. The authors proved the hypothesis: the closer the trust object is to the trust subject, the higher the level of the latter. Students to a greater extent trust the faculty of the university, somewhat to a lesser extent the administration of the university, to an even lesser extent the federal institutes of the higher education system. The analysis made it possible to quantitatively measure the infl uence of the three established factors on the level of trust among the subjects of the educational environment of the Chelyabinsk region in the higher education system, as well as to establish the degree of their infl uence on the level of trust. The closest relationship, typical for both categories of respondents, is noted between the quality of the educational environment and the level of trust in it. A weak connection has been established between information transparency and the level of trust in the educational environment. The results of the study can be used in the development of support measures from the regional authorities of the Chelyabinsk region, aimed at creating a favorable environment that forms the basis of trust in the higher education system.

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