
UDC 339.133.017; JEL Classification: D12, M31 Purpose: analysis and modeling of the choice of pharmacies by buyers, in particular, the commitment of various segments of potential buyers to a particular pharmacy, which involves preliminary segmentation of pharmacy buyers, identifying types of visitors and analyzing the specifics of their requirements on the one hand, and the level and parameters of services provided by certain pharmacies, with other. Methodology of research: expert research, segmentation of pharmacy visitors, computer modeling. Findings: the potential adherence of various segments of buyers to pharmacies was determined, calculated on the basis of combining the requirements of various groups of consumers to the level of service components and the possibilities of providing the desired level of service for each of the reviewed pharmacies. Originality: an original approach was proposed and a corresponding computer program was developed, numerical calculations were also carried out in it, which allow one to fairly fully and objectively reflect the multicriteria requirements and evaluation criteria from various groups of potential buyers of medicines and pharmaceutical products and prescriptions, to reveal their tendency to one or another pharmacies competing in the retail pharmaceutical market, based on the provision of the latter with a certain level of requirements and conditions of service required by consumers. Practical value: a practical, simple and reliable toolkit has been provided that allows pharmacies to determine the circle of their potential buyers and implement targeted marketing policies aimed at them, and, on the other hand, to identify weaknesses, shortcomings by individual criteria, the elimination of which will attract other customer segments, and also identify the closest competitors for different segments.

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