
Statement of the problem. Employers, the pace of life, the time of nanotechnologies and digitalization – all these objective factors require a qualitatively different level of training of specialists for the mineral resource complex. We believe that the cognitive-pragmatic approach within the framework of practice-oriented training will ensure the highest quality and efficient training of mining engineers. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the principles and identify the specifics for the implementation of cognitive technologies in the preparation of mining engineers in the Mining specialty (Technological Safety and Mine Rescue). Research methodology. The issue of rationalizing the learning process, taking into account academic mobility and the practical skills of graduates that meet the needs of production, is becoming increasingly relevant. Cognitive-pragmatic technologies within the framework of practice-oriented learning allow optimizing the educational process without losing the quality of training specialists in engineering specialties. Research results. With the advent and introduction of cognitive-pragmatic technologies in the educational process, the student becomes an active subject of the educational process. The teacher – student relationship has reached a qualitatively different level, where the teacher is required not so much didactic as managerial competence. Conclusions. Cognitive technologies, simultaneously with the analysis of the current situation, search for knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired and formed by the student in the process of theoretical and practical training. As a result of the introduction of these technologies in the training of engineering personnel for the mineral resource complex, we get a qualitatively different specialist with excellent performance and efficiency in completing the assigned tasks.

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