
Energy resources (ES) that are part of the machine and tractor fleet, agricultural enterprise (Agricultural Enterprise), subject to intensive use, constantly need to maintain their working condition. The main problems of maintenance and repair of electrical systems and methods for solving them have been identified. A scheme for planning repairs at agricultural storage facilities has been determined. In conditions of limited time, medium and major repairs are proposed to be carried out by reassembly or by the aggregate-sectional method. It has been established that the main technical characteristics of the quality of repair bodies are the following indicators: the complexity of performing a certain type of repair on a given type of electrical system; repair cycle; repair intensity; working time fund. They are determined analytically and make it possible to evaluate the quality characteristics of repair bodies, determine the number and composition of repair teams at the enterprise, the list of repair work, etc. The norms for time expenditure (labor intensity) for performing each individual repair operation, which are also the norms for the production of repairmen, are determined in the process of repairing equipment by timing. When statistically processing the results of timing the time of repair work, the estimated norms of labor costs for individual types of work and the total costs of performing current, medium and major repairs for each type of electrical system are determined. Then the following is determined: lists of necessary equipment, instrumentation, equipment, tools and spare parts; technology of repair work; the required number of repair teams, workshops, workshops, sites, work areas and repair specialists; duration of the repair cycle; production standards for repair specialists; intensity of repairs; list of specialties, qualification level and productivity of each repairman. The implementation of theoretically based methods for determining the number and composition of repair teams when restoring power supply systems will expand the capabilities of the enterprise's repair bodies to restore equipment with faults of various types.

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