
The management of the technical condition of the machine and tractor fleet, in order to ensure its sufficient performance and serviceability, is proposed to be implemented on the basis of a scientifically based system for the repair of automotive equipment (AT). The production capabilities of the repair body, which is part of the maintenance and repair (M&R) system of the enterprise, for the restoration of failed equipment are determined by theoretical calculation in such a way that the repair body is able to repair faulty equipment as soon as possible and in full. The method of the theory of queuing, which details the calculation of the criteria for the repair system of an enterprise, is proposed. Two methods for calculating the labor intensity of repair work during the restoration of AT, which make it possible to determine the necessary performance of the repair body in order to provide a given coefficient of technical readiness of the enterprise's fleet of vehicles, are considered. The joint implementation of the developed methods will expand the capabilities of the enterprise repair system, for the timely restoration of AT, depending on the number of failed AT, as well as develop theoretical foundations and practical recommendations that will provide the management of enterprises and their repair bodies with the ability to solve various problems. They will allow, according to the data on the failed equipment, to determine the required number and composition of repair teams, the data on which will make it possible to determine the capabilities of the repair body to restore equipment for various periods of time. Based on the data on the number of repair teams, their composition, and the existing failure of equipment, it is supposed to determine the time during which it will be restored. Based on the data on the number of equipment to be repaired and the desired duration of the work, it is supposed to determine the required number and composition of repair teams for its restoration; optimal conditions when it is rational to transport equipment to a repair body, or, conversely, a repair team to the parking lot of a failed sample; determine the composition of the technical means required for the repair work.

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