
The article substantiates the elements of information support for the promotion of a tourist destination. In modern conditions, information support for tourism is becoming increasingly important to ensure competition between enterprises in this industry, increase the speed of data exchange and improve the quality of services. The rapid development of information technology, represented by a large intelligent mobile cloud, has many features, can simultaneously meet the needs of different customers and different characteristics and provides a complete, stable and accurate platform for integrating information to manage tourism and hotel systems. The structure of the tourism industry is similar to any other economic sphere of activity. However, there is one feature: the connecting center that keeps different manufacturers in the tourism industry is information. Information flows provide links between producers of travel services, between producers and consumers of these services, and they are not only in the form of data flows, but also in the form of services and payments. Variants of consumer behavior based on the levels of competitiveness of the tourist product and destinations have been developed and substantiated. Defined key criteria for consumer choice when visiting a destination website. Summarized digital technical solutions that should be integrated into the destination's website. The concept of a destination website is proposed as an information system, a technological platform that integrates various services for tourists and sellers who are selected on a competitive basis or participate in an association that develops a destination website project. It is substantiated that thanks to the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies into the activities of travel firms, the speed of information exchange both between company employees and at the level of communication with potential consumers increases, as a result of which the company has the opportunity to improve the quality of services and expand the range of its activities, thereby increasing the level of its business reputation in the market.

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