
The article is devoted to identifying and classifying administrative offenses committed in the sphere of activity of institutional investors. The offense is inextricably linked to the emergence of contradictions between the interests of society (and the state because the interests of the state and society in a welfare state coincide) and business, in connection with which an institutional investor can put his interests above public ones and thus encroach on the established and guaranteed state law and order in this area. In essence, the offense is the legal fact that gives rise to the transformation of the legal relationship of protection to the legal relationship of protection of the rights and freedoms and legitimate interests of natural persons-investors. At the same time, if protection can be provided by various state bodies, public institutions, or even the institutional investor himself, then in the event of a crime, the state comes first, which has the exclusive right to use coercion against the offender. A legal analysis of the articles of the Special Part of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine confirms that no provisions directly provide for responsibility in the sphere of activity of institutional investors in particular or investment activity in general. On the other hand, the Code of Administrative Offenses has many offenses in the field of financial activity, which, among other things, concern the activities of institutional investors. The author proposed to classify them on specific grounds: by the field of activity in which they are committed, entities that have the right to draw up protocols on administrative offenses, and entities that have the right to consider cases on administrative offenses.

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