
Introduction. The work presents a general and principal diagram of the control system, provides recommendations for the choice of a set of technical means of practical implementation of the system and justification of the application and parameters of various sensors, power supplies, controller, communications, signal converters and actuators, which use different methods and methods of processing signals of different nature, which ensures completeness and prevents distortion of signals and parameters that affect the quality of the automated system of phlegm The aim of the work is to develop and implement the technical support of an automated control system of phlegmatization explosions of dustmethane-air mixture in the mine atmosphere. Materials and methods of research. To achieve the goal of controlling phlegmatization of dust-methane-air mixture explosions in the mine atmosphere, the search and analysis of materials on this topic is carried out, an automated control system is developed and observation of its work in real conditions is made. Research results. The dependences of the upper and lower thresholds of explosiveness of dust-methane-air mixture, as well as the achievements in the study of the molecular structure of water and methane can assess the effectiveness of measures to prevent methane and dust explosions in coal mines and propose a patentable method of phlegmatization of methane explosions in coal mines. Discussion. At a choice of CTS the basic attention is given to reliability of functioning of measuring techniques, standardization of interfaces, software of controllers and processors, on the basis of which it is supposed to develop software and realization of algorithmic and mathematical maintenance of the automated control system and its debugging in industrial conditions. Conclusion. The studies have shown that the sequence of installation of nozzles along the length of the face, should not exceed 1/5-1/7 of the length of the mini-drops falling (if a weighted mini-drop falls for 6-8 seconds, at a speed of 2.5 m/s, it flies 15-20 m, and, therefore, nozzles should be set every 12-15 m). Resume. At successful approbation and positive results of the automated control system of phlegmatization of explosions of dust-methane-air mixture in a mine atmosphere it can be successfully included in the existing systems of gas protection, extending their functions and increasing the level of industrial safety of mines. Also, studies have shown that for the implementation of a phlegmatization control system of explosions of dust-methane-air mixture in a mine atmosphere to increase the accuracy it is necessary to increase humidity, which in turn leads to the need to choose the location of installation of nozzles. Suggestions. In real conditions the level of absolute moisture of 16 g/m3 is possible at a temperature not lower than 22 °C and relative humidity of not less than 90 %, therefore, the task of the automated control system of phlegmatization of dust-methane-air mixture explosions (ACS FVPS) in the mine atmosphere is to maintain the maximum absolute humidity at the existing humidity and temperature in the clearing or preparatory face, taking into account the methane and dust concentration in the mine atmosphere.

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