
Miscanthus giant is a tall perennial herbaceous plant with a well-developed root system, which is used for biofuel production. The aim of the study was to establish the effect of gi-ant miscanthus in the first year of growing season on the state of soil organic matter, removal and balance of nutrients and biological productivity of crops for fertilization. A four-year survey of the condition of miscanthus plantations was conducted at ‘Veselo Podilska’ research and breeding station during 2016‒2019 in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. Indicators of biomass productivity of giant miscanthus and the state of fertility of the grant for fertilizer application in the area of the left-bank of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine for the production of solid biofuels are characterized. In the first year of the growing season, giant miscanthus produces more organic matter in the root system than in its terrestrial biomass ‒ 2.5 and 1.6 tons of dry matter/ha, respectively. It was found that foliar fertilization with microfertilizers significantly increased the yield of terrestrial biomass of giant miscanthus in the background of mineral fertilizers. The highest biological yield of ground mass of giant miscanthus was achieved with the introduction of N60P60K60 and two foliar fertilization with microfertilizer Vympel-K, 0.5 l/ha: yield of terrestrial biomass ‒ 3.1 tons of dry matter/ha with the advantage of control without fertilizers ‒ 1.5 tons/ha. In the first year of cultivation miscanthus giant uses a small amount of nutrients from the soil: nitrogen ‒ 20.4‒33.8 kg/ha, phosphorus ‒ 3‒5.3 kg/ha, potassium ‒ 6.1‒12.4 kg/ha . The application of N30P30K30 ferti-lizers was sufficient to form a balanced and expanded balance of nutrients in the soil. The appli-cation of mineral fertilizers did not affect the dynamics of organic matter in typical chernozem. Growing giant miscanthus in the first year of the growing season ensured the stability of the or-ganic matter content in the soil at the level of 4.04‒4.11%. At the same time, the content of mobile phosphorus at the end of the growing season decreased by 17‒18 mg/kg, potassium ‒ by 13‒43 mg/kg of soil. Reducing the content of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium in the soil at the end of the growing season leads to efficient use of plant nutrients, chemical transformation of phosphorus into insoluble compounds and non-exchange adsorption of potassium ions by the soil complex in the biocenosis of miscanthus.


  • Miscanthus giant is a tall perennial herbaceous plant with a well-developed root system, which is used for biofuel production

  • Найвищого врожаю наземної біомаси міскантусу гігантського досягнуто за внесення N60P60K60 та проведення двох позакореневих підживлень мікродобривом Вимпел-К (0,5 л/га): врожайність сухої речовини біомаси – 3,1 т/га з перевагою до контролю – 1,5 т/га

  • У подальших дослідженнях передбачено визначити довготривалий вплив стартової післядії від внесення комплексного мінерального добрива на структуру, врожайність та розподіл поживних речовин у наземній і підземній біомасі міскантусу гігантського

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Оriginal researches

Productivity of giant micancantus and soil fertility status for fertilizer application. M. Katelevsky Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beets NAASU, Kyiv, Ukraine. Productivity of micancantus and soil fertility status for fertilizer application.

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