
The creation and activities of the Muslim faction in the State Duma have become an important indicator of the development of the political consciousness of Muslims. The Muslim faction in the 1st and 2nd State Dumas focused on three main issues: Agrarian issues, the problems of democratization of political life, and the problem of national-religious relations. Thus, the Muslim faction played a significant role in the activities of the First and Second Dumas. The article discusses the views of the deputies of the Muslim faction, their role and activities in the I–II State Dumas in relation to the agrarian policy of the tsarist empire, including the re- settlement policy. The deputies of the Muslim faction were the real defenders of the interests of the indigenous population of the Steppe Territory, and sought to legally resolve the land issue, with the indispensable participation of all interested parties in its discussion. The authors analyze the legislative activity and the work of Muslim deputies in the Duma commissions. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the position of the deputies of the Muslims of the Steppe Territory, Sh. Kosshygulov and T. Norokonev

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