
In the context of the limited use of technogenic resources to regulate agricultural crops productivity of and soil fertility, the cultivation of varieties and hybrids that are resistant to abiotic and biotic stressors acquires a special role. In this regard, the organization of adaptive vegetable growing is of importance, for it provides for the creating highly productive agrocenoses that most fully realize the bioclimatic resources of the region, as well as for the use of resource-saving technologies. Our research is aimed at optimizing biologized soil-protective crop rotations in the mountainous zone in order to achieve an increase in crop productivity and preserve soil fertility. The studies were carried out in the mountainous zone of North Ossetia – Alania on mountain meadow soils. The influence of the biological product and micronutrient fertilization on the biological parameters of soil fertility in beet crops showed that the maximum loss of flax tissue was observed when seeds were inoculated with a 2% solution of "Extrasol" (29.6%). The enzymatic activity of the soil was higher in the variants with the use of a biological product and microfertilizer: the activity of catalase – by 0.2–0.5 ml of О2 per 100 g of soil, phosphatase – by 0.1–0.3 ml of Р2 О5 per 100 g of soil. The yield increase from the introduction of "Extrasol" and "Kristalon" on the crops of table beet is 0.8–1.6 t/ha. The profitability from the use of the Extrasol biological product and the Kristalon micronutrient fertilizer was 75.1–120.8%. Thus, for the efficiency of farming in mountainous land-poor areas, one should take a differentiated approach to the choice of crops and territories in which they are grown. The implementation of this approach fully meets the conditions for land use in mountainous areas and household plots.

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